Woods offers competitive discounts to our dealers to support federal, state, county and city governments; public utilities; contractors that maintain government owned property; water districts, levy boards, and non-profit: hospitals, schools, churches, cemeteries, parks and other organizations. Woods is also a vendor on cooperative and state contracts with competitive pricing to make your organization’s buying process quicker and easier. Your local dealer can provide a quote utilizing our competitive discount programs or our cooperative or state contracts.
Sourcewell is a municipal contracting service agency that creates an alliance between government, education and non-profit agencies and suppliers like Woods. Membership in Sourcewell enables the non-profit agency to purchase equipment and services at competitively negotiated and pre-approved prices, foregoing the need for a competitive bidding process. Sourcewell has over 50,000 member agencies in North America.
Contract number: 031121-WDE
Effective dates: 5/03/2021 – 4/30/2025

OMNIA Partners is the largest and most trusted cooperative purchasing organization for public sector procurement, consolidating the nation’s two leading cooperative purchasing organizations – National IPA and U.S. Communities – under one roof to form OMNIA Partners, Public Sector. The collective buying power of these unified purchasing cooperatives delivers superior value and savings for public agencies nationwide.
Certified public procurement professionals and cooperative purchasing experts are committed to bringing value to you and your government agency. They act as your advocates to leverage cooperative purchasing as a strategic part of your procurement strategy so you can drive efficiency, effectiveness and real savings within your agency or organization.
Contract number: 20-6504